table mountain terjemahan Cina
- aligned table: 整齐列表
- brokeback mountain: 断背山
- buddha mountain: 观音山 (电影)
- mountain dew: 激浪
- mountain of faith: 东方风神錄 ~ mountain of faith.
- sugarloaf mountain: 糖面包山
- certification table entry使用: penggunaan templat certification table entry
- knights of the round table: 圆桌骑士
- lgbt rights table africa: 非洲lgbt权益
- lgbt rights table asia: 亚洲lgbt权益
- lgbt rights table europe: 欧洲lgbt权益
- lgbt rights table oceania: 大洋洲lgbt权益
- malétable: 马莱塔布勒
- noirétable: 努瓦雷塔布勒
- olympic games medal table: 奧林匹克运动会獎牌统计